The ONLY! Way to Restore the Black Race 🌍

So many people ask “what can we do as black people to get back to our Original selves?  The answer is in the question. You must ask yourself “what is my original self”?  Your Original self is the YOU before christianity ..islam…and Judaism etc.. Before any religion YOU existed. You were the first spiritual people on this planet. You spoke the first words of your hand planets and stars moved. Your word gave life everlasting. You were born in a continent with all that you needed. We lived in abundance. The Nile river gave us almost everything if not every thing we needed to sustain ourselves and flourish. The first spiritual system on earth EVER created started in KEMET or in modern day times africa. When this system was formed only KEMETIC (african)  people walked on this planet they call earth. IF you as a black person feel like you know your history then you will know and understand that jesus wasnt the only person who has been resurrected from a physical death. ..and with that being said “jesus’s resurrection was nothing but a european version of our true KEMETIC history. Jesus is really our GOD “OSIRIS”. KEMETIC people have been on this planet far longer than 6,700 years..I cant say the same for any other culture’s. I’m not going to go into detail about how bad our KEMETIC race is at this time ..but to answer the original question “what can we do as black people to get back to our Original selves? ANSWER : we must restore MAAT. It is the only way.

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