🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨You don’t know how to be a wife! 👰‍♀️💍👎

To the ladies👰‍♀️ You have to be taught how to be a wife. If your mom never showed you how to be a proper , virtuous women , then how do you know how to be a good wife? If you come from a single parent home , and mom is the head , then nine times out of ten , she has become bitter and toxic, which won’t allow her to give proper guidance to her daughter. when it comes to having healthy relationship values , I’m starting to understand that most women that get into relationships don’t know how to be team players. Most women come into relationships one sided ,thinking that they are the prize and the relationship is solely based on how she feels. This type of mind set is detrimental , and is the cause for most break ups or divorces. A great majority of women go into relationships or marriages with fear . Fear of being cheated on , fear of not being attractive , fear fear fear fear . Relationships and marriages are for people who don’t fear the mentioned above because they enter into relationships with confidence . If you as a woman have a lot of fear inside of your self , seek counseling because it’s not fare to the spouse or mate to have to deal with another persons past trauma. A persons past traumas can stunt growth in a relationship almost immediately. If a woman has trust issues , then in no way shape or form should she be in a relationship with some one , if it does happen then it’s a red flag 🚩 it shows she’s only thinking of her own happiness and what her mate can do for her . A great majority of relationships for most women are nothing but ego boosters . For example: she brags about what her mate has bought her and his tax bracket and from what I see dealing with marriage, it seems to be for bragging rights as well . For example: look at my ring or showing off the fact that she was chosen by someone of a certain caliber , almost like being a NFL DRAFT PIC lol …It’s all about how he makes her life easier all the way to the point where she might be able to be an at home wife or mom . Sex in these type of relationships is important for women who are insecure, thinking that sex will make up for a lack there of , which in most cases back fires because once that 10 or 30 minutes is up then your faced with the same issues from before . Good looks and sex will not compensate for the lack of communication, selfishness,and false independence that most women bring to the table in secret . If you have mental trauma how are you beneficial in a partnership? Depressed people can’t act as a motivator because depression is the opposite of motivation. At this point it’s safe to say that alot of relationships are “TRAUMA BONDS “ to be continued 💍